Acoustic Airway Clearance Treatment
- The Frequencer®Uses Sound Waves Sound Waves can easily travel through the chest.
- Gentle Application The Frequencer® uses considerably lower forces than applied during traditional CPT.
- The Frequencer® Changes the Viscosity of The Mucus Making it more liquid and easier to expectorate.
- Effective and Consistent Treatment Assurance of quality treatment every time and for entire treatment duration.
- Safe for numerous Patient Populations Can be used in several departments : ICU, NICU, PICU, Lung Transplants and others.
The Results of Patient Satisfaction Surveys
White Paper: Acoustic Airway Clearance with the Frequencer – Clinical Evidence and Markets
Influence of frequency and amplitude on the mucus viscoelasticity of the novel mechano-acoustic Frequencer
Mechanical airway clearance using the Frequencer electro-acoustical transducer in cystic fibrosis*
Mechanical clearance of human airways using the Frequencer electro-acoustical transducer a white paper